Kristian Dahl Hertz | Professor Emeritus | DTU Construct | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Trine Hertz | Senior Executive Officer - Education Coordinator | DTU Aqua | +45 22 26 93 24 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Malik Hertzum | E-læringsplatform | DTU Aqua | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Ditte Lauritzen Offerlin Herup | Secretary | DTU Bioengineering | +45 45 25 26 00 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Anna Marie Hess | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Ingrid Hesselbjerg | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Chemistry | +45 93 51 15 41 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mikkel Heuck | Senior Researcher | DTU Electro | +45 25 82 93 11 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Karl Magnus Heuer | Assistant Professor - Tenure track | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 36 45 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Kai Heussen | Senior Researcher | DTU Wind | +45 61 39 62 63 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Nilufar Heydari | External Lecturer | DTU Sustain | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Nilufar Heydari | Ekstern lektor | DTU Civil Engineering | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jan Hidding | Postdoc | DTU Energy | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Owen Higgins | IT supporter | DTU Space | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Joyce Arguelles Hilario | PhD Student | DTU Aqua | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Christoffer Rischel Hilbert | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 30 95 92 30 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Andrea Becker Hilgart | Student Assistant | DTU Learning Lab | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Susanne Kure Hilliger | Project Accountant | ADM5 | +45 93 51 08 47 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Kristine Wille Hilstrøm | Radical Innovation Entrepreneur | DTU Offshore | +45 30 70 19 33 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Lykke Charlotte Hindsgaul | Head of Administration | DTU Bioengineering | +45 45 25 26 20 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jesper Løve Hinrich | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Frank Hinrichs | Project Economist | CAS | +45 45 25 13 32 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Frank Hinrichs | Projektøkonom | ADM5 | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Benjamin Thomas Hinrichsen | PhD Student | DTU Physics | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Morten Hintze | Administrative assistant | DTU Wind | +45 93 59 68 68 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Linda Hiort | Animal keeper | DTU Health Tech | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Sinem Hisoglu | Student Assistant | DTU Sustain | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Huria Mohamed Shishay Hissabu | Undergratuate | DTU National Food Institute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Rasmus Lyngsie Hjalgrim | PhD Student | DTU Engineering Technology | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Björgvin Hjartarson | Innovation Consultant | DTU Skylab | +45 27 84 20 07 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Johan Hjelm | Professor, Head of Section | DTU Energy | +45 21 32 80 43 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Sara Hjelme | PhD student | DTU Energy | +45 60 16 83 35 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Laura Hjerrild | Studentermedhjælper | ADM3 | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Gustav Ravi Hjerting | Ph.d.-studerende | DTU Entrepreneurship | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Conny Hjort | Laboratory technician | DTU Nanolab | +45 45 25 58 00 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Poul G. Hjorth | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 61 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Kris Reichen Hjorth | Industritekniker lærling | DTU Chemical Engineering | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Rune Hjorth | Senior Researcher | DTU Sustain | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jens Hjortkjær | Associate Professor | DTU Health Tech | +45 30 29 16 90 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jacob Pihlkjær Hjortshøj | | DTU Wind | +45 21 33 11 69 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Maja Jønck Hjuler | Research Assistant | DTU Compute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Peter Bagger Hjuler | Senior Executive Officer | DTU Wind | +45 46 77 50 37 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Anna Pii Hjørne | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | +45 30 11 75 76 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jakob Grünewald Hjørringgaard | Development Engineer | DTU Health Tech | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Linh Cao Hoang | Professor | DTU Construct | +45 93 51 03 89 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Linh Chi Hoang | Kontorelev | ADM5 | +45 93 51 03 89 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Duc Trung Hoang | Postdoc | DTU Electro | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Daniel Hoang | Research Assistant | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 93 51 11 17 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Timothy John Hobley | Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | +45 45 25 27 06 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Samir Hobloss | Postdoc | DTU National Food Institute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mandy Hobusch | Industrial PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Emma Elise Hoch-Schneider | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 00 81 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Erland Hochheim | Senior Platform manager | IT Service | +45 40 95 24 82 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Susanne Bodil Hodges | Event- og konferenceansvarlig | ADM5 | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Emily Louise Hodgson | Post Doc | DTU Wind | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Niels Hoedeman | Chief Consultant | DTU Space | +45 93 51 89 71 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Fie Victoria Hoffensetz | PA/Administrative officer | IT Service | +45 93 51 19 85 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Fie Victoria Hoffensetz | PA/Office aid | CROME | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mads Bager Hoffmann | Intern operations manager | IT Service | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mads Bager Hoffmann | Chefkonsulent | CROME | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Erik Hoffmann | Emeritus | DTU Aqua | +45 35 88 33 77 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jeppe Happy Thrane Gøhler Hoffmann | Hjælpelærer | DTU Physics | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Ulla Hoffmann | Programme Manager | DTU Offshore | +45 93 51 13 60 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Lene Hogg | IT administrator | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 36 91 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Philip Kishimoto Hohwy | Hjælpelærer | DTU Compute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Ida Cecilie Hoielt | Hjælpelærer | DTU Wind | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Sebastian Holbech | Akademisk medarbejder | DTU Space | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Michael Dybkjær Holbech | Senior Business Advisor | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 63 51 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Michael Dybkjær Holbech | Forretningsudvikler, European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre Denmark | DTU Space | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Conni Holbæk | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 01 62 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Joachim Holbøll | Professor, Head of Studies | DTU Wind | +45 45 25 35 15 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jesper Holck | Senior Researcher | DTU Bioengineering | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Kristina Holdgaard-Sørensen | Project Finance Manager | ADM5 | +45 25 16 14 03 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Susan Løvstad Holdt | Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 89 22 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Bo Holdt-Simonsen | Engineer | CAS | +45 46 77 52 41 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Annette Beatrice Holek | Personal Assistant | DTU Bioengineering | +45 45 25 63 01 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Pawel Holewa | Postdoc | DTU Electro | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Lilian Beenfeldt Holgersen | Laboratory responsible | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 20 73 98 33 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mathias Geldermann Holgersen | Visiting PhD | DTU Biosustain | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Marin Holi | Research Assistant | DTU Compute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Clara Hollenbeck | Student Assistant | DTU Energy | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Hans Christian Holländer | Senior Executive Officer, Business Developer | AFRI | +45 93 51 13 73 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Michael Kaczor Holm | Fisheries Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 35 88 31 56 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Nikolaj Scharling Holm | Research Assistant | DTU Construct | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Finn Holm | Co-Founder, CEO | DTU Skylab | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Nikolaj Normann Holm | Postdoc | DTU Compute | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Anja Holm | Associate Professor | DTU Health Tech | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Jens Holm | Steward | DTU Aqua | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Trine Borgen Holm | Akademisk medarbejder | ADM4 | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Victoria Holm | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Susanne Holm | Projektadministrator | AFRI | +45 21 51 82 20 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Helle Tofte Holm | Division Secretary | DTU Health Tech | +45 46 77 53 00 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Mie Tofte Kjeldgaard Holm | Programme Coordinator | DTU Entrepreneurship | +45 93 51 09 67 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Markus Tandrup Holm | PhD Student | DTU Construct | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Birgit Holm | Assistent | DTU Construct | | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Eva Holmark | Chefkonsulent | IT Service | +45 22 98 26 61 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Inge Houlberg Holmberg | Laboratory technician | DTU National Food Institute | +45 35 88 72 12 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Martin Holmboe | Climate Tech Venture Builder – Earthbound | DTU Skylab | +45 93 51 18 75 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Marie Louise Holmer | Special Consultant | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 88 59 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Karin Rømer Holmsgaard | Category Manager | ADM5 | +45 31 96 49 28 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |
Amanda Holmskov | AC-fuldmægtig | ADM4 | +45 45 25 10 90 | ![](/images/buttons/email.png) |